Lucas Bovoso

Hi Asia, The Friday option below works best for Jason. Thank you! -Sheila

Position Title
Undergraduate Member


Year at UC Davis: 4th year

Major:  Communication

2nd Major: Technology Management

Why I chose to serve on COSAF:  I joined COSAF because I believe that students have the right to transparency and understanding when it comes to their tuition fees. Many of us, as students, are often left in the dark about where our money is allocated within the college system and it’s essential that we bridge this information gap and ensure that students are well-informed about how their tuition fees are utilized. This will not only benefit us, but also foster a sense of responsibility and ownership within the college community, ultimately leading to a more enriching educational experience for everyone.

Extra-curricular hobbies/ interests/ activities:  My interests revolve around the dynamic world of video games and its ever-evolving industry, which has undergone a remarkable transformation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been so fascinating to see people and friends who are not commonly gamers pick up a console and get invested. Despite its immense value, often surpassing that of Hollywood and the Sports industry, I'm consistently surprised by how the gaming world remains somewhat underrated in the public eye. In my free time, I have a knack for discovering new hobbies, only to occasionally leave them by the wayside. Recently, I became a part of the Older Wiser Learners club on campus, and I was surprised to learn there are so many other reentry students here at Davis. We're definitely here, and we're making the most of this opportunity to expand our horizons!