- CEI Fee Summary 2014-15 (9-23-15 meeting)
- FACE-LEEAP Fee Summary 2014-15 (9-23-15 meeting)
- MU Fee Summary 2014-15 (9-23-15 meeting)
- SASI Fee Summary 2014-15 (9-23-15 meeting)
- Funds Use Overview (9-23-15 meeting)
- 2014-15 Base Budget overview (9-23-15 meeting)
- Student Services Fee Overview (9-23-15 meeting)
- President Yudof letter on implementation of SSF Policy (9-23-15 meeting)
- CEI Ballot (10-9-15 meeting)
- Guide to Creating a Student Fee Referendum (10-9-15 meeting - document updated Sept 2016)
- CRU 2015-16 Budget Presentation (10-9-15 meeting)
- Unitrans CEI Presentation (11-6-15 meeting)
- Student Health Overview and CEI Presentation (11-6-15 meeting)
- ICA CEI Presentation (11-20-15 meeting)
- CEI Fee Summary 2014-15 (12-04-15 meeting)
- CEI - Student Community Center (12-04-15 meeting)
- CEI CRU IM & Sport Clubs Fin. Rpt. (12-04-15 meeting)
- PPT CEI IM-Sport Clubs (12-04-15 meeting)
- HFOC Bylaws (1-22-16 meeting)
- SHIP Bylaws (1-22-16 meeting)
- ICA FACE-LEEAP Presentation (1-22-16 meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Original Ballot (1-22-16 meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Statement of Principles (1-22-16 meeting)
- Campus Based Student Fee Summary 2015-16 (1-22-16 meeting)
- CRU FACE/LEEAP Fee spreadsheet (2-19-16 meeting)
- SRRC FACE Presentation (2-19-16 meeting)
- CRU FACE Presentation (2-19-16 meeting)
- Student Health & Wellness Ctr fee projection/recommendation (2-19-16 meeting)
- FACE Fees Proposed for 2016-17 (3-4-16 meeting)
- LEEAP Fees Proposed for 2016-17 (3-4-16 meeting)
- Winter 2016 Referenda Results (3-4-16 meeting)
- Overview of Student Services Fee (for 4-1-16 Meeting)
- WRRC SASI Presentation (4-1-16 Meeting)
- ICA SASI Template (for 4-15-16 Meeting)
- Recreation SASI Template (for 4-15-16 Meeting)
- CRU SASI Fees Actuals 2014-15 Budget 2015-16 (for 4-15-16 Meeting)
- CRU SASI Fees Projected 2016-17 (for 4-15-16 Meeting)
- CCC SASI Funding Presentation (4-15-16 Meeting)
- CCC SASI Info (4-15-16 Meeting)
- Estimation of Fees for 2016-17 with CPI Applied (5-13-16 Meeting)
- 6/15/16 Letter from AC Hexter to VC de la Torre