Action Items Log - 2019-20

Action Items Log 2019-20
Action Item No. Item Results Date
2020-001 FACE CPI Recommendation and Comments FACE/LEEAP CPI Recommendation Summary 11/1/19
2020-002 LEEAP CPI Recommendation and Comments FACE/LEEAP CPI Recommendation Summary 11/1/19
2020-003 ASUCD Referenda Draft Ballot Language COSAF Edit Comments 11/1/19
2020-004 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW116, Animal Science 1 Mixer Denied, Did not meet guidelines 10/4/19
2020-005 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW117, CPMP 2019-20 Community Building Event Approved, $500 10/9/19
2020-006 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW118, EME 50 Project Completion Celebration Approved, $250 10/27/19
2020-007 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW119, End of Fall Quarter Pizza Get Together, HDE 140L Approved, $266.37 10/27/19
2020-008 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW120, End of Winter Quarter Pizza Get Together, HDE 140L Approved, $266.37 10/27/19
2020-009 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW121, End of Spring Quarter Pizza Get Together, HDE 140L Approved, $266.37 10/27/19
2020-010 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW122, ELW Peer Educator End-of-Quarter Recognition, UWP197t Approved, $280.93 10/27/19
2020-011 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW123, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish 24 Approved, $200 11/26/19
2020-012 Dean Witter Applicaton #DW124, MGT 150 Get Together Approved, $250 11/26/19
2020-013 Student Development Fund Application #SD145, Tackling Gender Inequity and Education in Zimbabwe Approved, $500 8/26/19
2020-014 Student Development Fund Application #SD155, Zumba Instructor Certification Denied, Did not meet guidelines (graduate student) 10/4/19
2020-015 Student Development Fund Application #SD156, Society of Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science Approved, $385 10/4/19
2020-016 Student Development Fund Application #SD157, NASPA Western Regional Conference Approved, $345 10/4/19
2020-017 Student Development Fund Application #SD158, National Soiciety of Black Engineers Fall Regional Conference Approved, $2500 10/4/19
2020-018 Student Development Fund Application #SD159, Forbes Under 30 Summit Approved, $500 10/4/19
2020-019 Student Development Fund Application #SD160, Law Connection Event Approved, $193.81 10/27/19
2020-020 Student Development Fund Application #SD165, VI International Conference on Latin American Problems Approved, $500 10/27/19
2020-021 Student Development Fund Application #SD166, Personal Trainer Certification Approved, $400 11/9/2019
2020-022 Student Development Fund Application #SD167, Forbes Under 30 Summit Approved, $500 11/9/19
2020-023 Student Development Fund Application #SD168, Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Mid-Year National Conference Approved, $500 11/26/19
2020-024 Student Development Fund Application #SD169, Banquet Approved, $110 11/26/19
2020-025 Student Development Fund Application #SD170, Vogue Forces of Fashion Approved, $500 11/26/19
2020-026 Student Development Fund Application #SD161, Forbes Under 30 Scholar Approved, $500 10/27/19
2020-027 Student Development Fund Application #SD162, Vogue Forces of Fashion Approved, $500 10/27/19
2020-028 Student Development Fund Application #SD163, Vogue Forces of Fashion Approved, $500 10/27/19
2020-029 Student Development Fund Application #SD164, FIC Fall Mixer Approved, $382.14 10/27/19
2020-030 Council Feedback on SASI Fee Presentations SASI Assessment & Recommendations Report 12/6/19
2020-031 Dean Witter Application #DW125, Graduate-Faculty Lunch Social Approved, $125 12/13/19
2020-032 Student Development Fund Application #SD152, Adult & Pediatric CPR/AED/FA Blending Learning Approved, $42 12/13/19
2020-033 Student Development Fund Application #SD171, Officer Team Building Event Denied, RSO has already applied this academic year 12/13/19
2020-034 Student Development Fund Application #SD172, Vogue Forces of Fashion Approved, $500 12/13/19
2020-035 Student Development Fund Application #SD173, 235th AAS Meeting Approved, $500 12/13/19
2020-036 Dean Witter Application #DW126, Pizza Dinner with Professor, FRS-004 Sec:006 Approved, $83.50 12/18/19
2020-037 Council Endorsement/Recommendations: ASUCD New Referenda Ballot Language COSAF Survey Report - ASUCD Ballot Language 1/14/20
2020-038 CEI CPI Recommendations and Comments CEI Recommondation Summary 2/7/20
2020-039 Aggie Fee CPI Recommendations and Comments Aggie Fee Recommendation Summary 2/21/20
2020-040 Dean Witter Application #DW127, Bowling with Faculty, BIM Approved, $590 1/21/20
2020-041 Dean Witter Application #DW128, CHA 101L Section 9 Dinner Approved, $443 1/21/20
2020-042 Dean Witter Application #DW129, Anatomy Section 8 Mideterm Celebration Approved, $400 1/21/20
2020-043 Dean Witter Application #DW130, Post Midterm Pizza Social, CAH101L-004 Approved, $400 2/3/20
2020-044 Dean Witter Application #DW131, Lab Midterm Completion, CHA101L-007 Approved, $300 2/3/20
2020-045 Dean Witter Application #DW132, Midterm Completion, CHA101L-002 Approved, $313 2/3/20
2020-046 Dean Witter Application #DW133, Midterm Completion, CHA101L-006 Approved, $250 2/3/20
2020-047 Dean Witter Application #DW134, Midterm Completion, CHA101L-001 Approved, $385 2/3/20
2020-048 Dean Witter Application #DW135, Midterm Completion, CHA101L-005 Approved, $341 2/3/20
2020-049 Dean Witter Application #DW136, Post Midterm Pizza Party, CHA101L-010 Approved, $285 2/19/20
2020-050 Dean Witter Application #DW137, 2020 Post-Conference Alumni Meet-N-Greet Approved, $300 2/19/20
2020-051 Dean Witter Application #DW138, CPMP's Dine with Professors Approved, $450 2/19/20
2020-052 Dean Witter Application #DW139, EME 50 Gyro Spin Off Approved, $250 2/25/20
2020-053 Student Development Fund #SD174, NSBE national Conference 2020 Approved, $500 1/23/20
2020-054 Student Development Fund #SD175, Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics Approved, $350 1/21/20
2020-055 Student Development Fund #SD176, Biomedical Engineering Society Denied, includes non-UC Davis students 1/21/20
2020-056 Student Development Fund #SD177, UC Davis Outdoor Adventures Approved, $500 2/3/20
2020-057 Student Development Fund #SD178, Outdoor Adventures Raft Guide Training Approved, $500 2/3/20
2020-058 Student Development Fund #SD179, NOLS Wilderness First Aid Course Approved, $240 2/6/20
2020-059 Student Development Fund #SD180, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting 2020 Approved, $500 2/6/20
2020-060 Student Development Fund #SD181, Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annue Conference 2020 Approved, $500 2/3/20
2020-061 Student Development Fund #SD182, Whitewater Rafting Guide School Approved, #500 2/19/20
2020-062 Student Development Fund #SD183, Stop the Bleed and CPR Approved, $500 2/19/20
2020-063 Student Devleopment Fund #SD184, Gouter du Fromage Denied, RSO met their limit for applications this academic year 2/19/20
2020-064 Student Development Fund #SD185, Socidety of Student Run Free Clinics Conference 2020

Approved, $2000. RSO has now met their max of $2500 for attending this conference.

2020-065 Student Development Fund #SD186, National Youth at Risk Conference Approved, $500 2/19/20
2020-066 Student Development Fund #SD187, National Youth at Risk Conference Approved, $500 2/19/20
2020-067 Student Development Fund #SD188, National Youth at Risk Conference Approved, $500 2/19/20
2020-068 5 Student Services Fee Recipients Chosen to Present to Council in April


2020-069 Dean Witter Application #DW140, CHA101L-003 Midterm Party Approved, $300 3/2/20
2020-070 Dean Witter Application #DW141, CHA101L-002 Final Gathering Approved, $552 3/2/20
2020-071 Dean Witter Application #DW142, CHA101L-005 Final Gathering Approved, $394 3/2/20
2020-072 Dean Witter Application #DW143, CHA101L-007 Final Gathering Approved, $300 3/2/20
2020-073 Dean Witter Application #DW141, CHA101L-008 Final Gathering Approved, $440 3/2/20
2020-074 Student Development Fund #SD191, Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annual Conference 2020 Approved, $500 3/2/20
2020-075 Student Development Fund #SD192, Bagel Bag Benefit Approved, $50 3/2/20
2020-076 Student Development Fund #SD193, Alcoholism in the Community Approved, $175 3/2/20
2020-077 Student Development Fund #SD194 - SD198, Stociety of Student Run Clinic Conference, RSO: Clinica Tepati Approved, $2,500 3/2/20
2020-078 Student Devleopment Fund #SD199, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Western Region Conference Approved, $400 3/2/20
2020-079 GSA Fee Recommendations and Comments Summary-GSA Fee Vote 3/16/20
2020-080 Dean Witter Application #DW144, CHA101L-008 Final Gathering Approved, $440 3/2/20
2020-081 Dean Witter Application #DW145, CHA101L-004 Post Final Exam Celebration Approved, $400 3/13/20
2020-082 Dean Witter Application #DW146, CHA101L-009 Dinner Approved, $440 3/13/20
2020-083 Dean Witter Application #DW147, Anatomy Lab Post Finals Celebration, CAH101L-001 Approved, $445 3/13/20
2020-084 Dean Witter Application #DW148, CHA101L Section 003 Final Party  Approved, $500 3/13/20
2020-085 Dean Witter Application #DW149, CHE2 TA+LA Winter 2020 Celebration Approved, $334 3/13/20
2020-086 Dean Witter Application #DW150, Anatomy Final Pizza Party, CHA101L-010 Approved, $340 3/16/20
2020-087 Student Development Fund Application #SD200, Outdoor Adventures Rafting Guide School Approved, $500 3/16/20
2020-088 Student Development Fund Application #SD201, Anmerican Council on Exercise (ACE) Fitness Leadership Course Approved, $500 3/16/20
2020-089 Student Development Fund Application #SD202, Mock Trial National Championship Tournament Declined, due to COVID19, UC Davis has banned all non-essential travel 3/16/20
2020-090 Student Development Fund Application #SD203, White Water Raft Guide Training Approved, $500 3/16/20
2020-091 Student Development Fund Application #SD204, ACE Fitness Leadership Course Approved, $500 3/16/20
2020-092 Student Development Fund Application #SD205, Project RISHI's Spring Formal Denied, RSO has already applied for funding this fiscal year 3/16/20
2020-093 Review of The Green Initiative Fund Fee (TGIF) TGIF Assessment 2019-20 4/24/20
2020-094 Review of Student Services Fee (SSF) Department Presentations SSF Assessment 2019-20 4/24/20
2020-095 End of Year Council Updates Bylaws & SASI Reserves 4/24/20
2020-096 Annual Advisory Letter Co-Chairs Submit Advisory Letter to IVC Galindo & VC Ratliff 5/1/20
2020-097 Student Programming Funds (SPF) Allocation SPF Allocation Summary -  Funding in 2020-21 4/24/20
2020-098 Student Development Fund Application #SD207, ACE - Medical Exercise Speacialist Study Program; Weight Management Specialist Study Program Approved, $500 5/4/20