Orientation 9/23/24
- Council Expectations & Participation
- Bylaw Highlights & Understanding Key Components of Council Work
- COSAF Acronyms
- Departments & Programs Supported by Student Fees
- External Committees
- Funds Admnistered by COSAF
- COSAF Budget Oversight 2024-25
- COSAF Subcommittees
- Timeline for Fees Reviewed by COSAF
- UC Council on Student Fees
- Payroll Information
- Member Roster
- Meeting Schedule
- Presentation: Student Affairs
- Presentation: Campus Budget Overview
- Campus Rec 2024 -COSAF Orientation_FOR PRINT.pdf
- Presentation: Intercollegiate Athletics
- ASUCD Fee Orientation (2/7/24 Meeting)
- ASUCD Fee Sources & Uses Report 204-25 (2/7/24 Meeting)
- ASUCD Fee Template: Base Fee (2/7/24 Meeting)
- ASUCD Fee Template: Cal Aggie Camp (2/7/24 Meeting)
- ASUCD Fee Template: Educational Opportunity Program (2/7/24 Meeting)
- ASCUD Fee Template: Unitrans (2/7/24 Meeting)
- ASUCD Fee Presentation (2/7/24 Meeting)
- ASUCD Fee Preliminary Projections 2025-26 (2/21/25 Meeting)
- CEI Oirentation (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Sources & Uses Report 2024-25 (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Template: Intercollegiate Athletics (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Template: Student Health & Counseling Services (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Template: Unitrans (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Template: Student Community Center (1/24/25 Meeting)
- CEI Template: Campus Recreation (1/24/25 Meeting)
- CEI Template: ASUCD Coffee House (1/24/25 Meeting)
- CEI Presentation: Intercollgiate Athletics (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Presentation: Student Health & Counseling Services (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Presentation: Unitrans (1/10/25 Meeting)
- CEI Presentation: Student Community Center (1/24/25 Meeting)
- CEI Presentation: Campus Recreation (1/24/25 Meeting)
- CEI Presentation: ASUCD Coffee House (1/24/25 Meeting)
- CEI CPI Preliminary Projections 2025-26 (2/7/25 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Orientation (10/11/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Sources & Uses Report (10/11/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Template: Student Recruitment & Retention Center (10/11/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Template: Campus Recreation (10/11/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Template: Intercollegiate Athletics (10/25/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Presentation: Student Recruitment & Retention Center (10/11/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Presentation: Campus Recreation (10/11/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Presentation: Intercollegiate Athletics (10/25/24 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP CPI Preliminary Projections 2025-26 (11/8/24 Meeting)
New Proposed Referenda
- Guide for Placing a Student Fee Initiative on a Ballot (11/22/24 Meeting)
- Entertainment Council Fee; Draft Ballot Language (11/22/24 Meeting)
- Entertainment Council Fee; Presentation (11/22/24 Meeting)
- Entertainment Council Fee; Final Ballot Language (2/14/25 Meeting)
- Sustainable Transportation Fee; Draft Ballot Language (11/22/24 Meeting)
- Sustainable Transportation Fee; Presentation (11/22/24 Meeting)
- Transportation Equity Fee; Final Ballot Language (2/14/25 Meeting)
- GSA Fee; Draft Ballot Language (12/6/24 Meeting)
- GSA Unitrans Fee; Draft Ballot Language (12/6/24 Meeting)
- GSA Fee & GSA Unitrans Fee Presenation (12/6/24 Meeting)
- SASI Orientation (11/8/24 Meeting
- SASI Sources & Uses Report (11/8/24 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Campus Recreation (11/8/24 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Intercollegiate Athletics (11/8/24 Meeting)
- SASI Presentation: Campus Recreation (11/8/24 Meeting)
- SASI Presentation: Intercollegiate Athletics (11/8/24 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Women's Resources and Research Center (12/6/24 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Cross Cultural Center (12/6/24 Meeeting)
- SASI Presentation: Women's Resources and Research Center (12/6/24 Meeting)
- SASI Presentation: Cross Cultural Center (12/6/24 Meeting)
- SASI Preliminary CPI Projections 2025-26 (12/6/24 Meeting)
Student Services Fee
- Academic Assessments
- Academic Assistance & Tutoring Centers
- Career Center
- Center for Student Involvement
- Community Resource & Retention Center
- Cross Cultural Center
- Development Office
- Educational Opportunity & Enrichment Services
- Graduate Studies
- Hate Free Campus Initiative
- HR Child Care for Students
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- Law Academic Success Program
- LGBTQIA Program
- Middle Eastern/North African/South Asian Student Resources
- Mondavi Center
- Office of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- Operation & Maintenance of Plant
- Retention Centers
- Student Affairs Finance
- Student Affairs Marketing & Communication
- Student Disability Center
- Student Firefighter Program
- Student Health and Counseling Services
- Student Information Systems
- Undocumented Student Resource Center
- Womens Resources & Research Center
Student Programming Fund
- Student Programming Fund Orientation (3/7/25 Meeting)
- Presentation: Asian and Pacific Islander Male Success Initiative (3/7/25 Meeting)
- Presentation: Gender Affirming Product (3/7/25 Meeting)
- Presentation: HackDavis (3/7/25 Meeting)
- Presentation: Involvement Fair (3/7/25 Meeting)
- Presentation: SDC MU Drop in Office Events (3/7/25 Meeting)
- Presentation: Si Se Puede Academic Success Institute (3/7/25 Meeting)
- Presentation: Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference (3/7/25 Meeting)
- TGIF Orientation (2/21/25 Meeting)
- TGIF Sources & Uses Report 2024-25 (2/21/25 Meeting)
- TGIF Template (2/21/25 Meeting)
- TGIF Presentation (2/21/25 Meeting)
- TGIF CPI Preliminary Projections 2025-26 (3/7/25 Meeting)
Unitrans Fee
- Unitrans Fee Orientation (2/21/25 Meeting)
- Unitrans Fee Sources & Uses Report 2024-25 (2/21/25 Meeting)
- Unitrans Fee Template (2/21/25 Meeting)
- Unitrans Fee Presentation (2/21/25 Meeting)
- Unitrans Fee CPI Preliminary Projections 2025-26 (3/7/25 Meeting)