2020-21 Meeting Resources

Orientation Meeting (9/29/20)

FACE/LEEAP Fee (Campus Based Fee)

New Referedum: The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)


SASI Fee (Campus Based Fee)

CEI Fee (Campus Based Fee)

The Aggie Fee

Student Programming Fund

Graduate Student Association Fee  (Campus Based Fee)

Student Services Fee

All Other Student Services Fee Templates:

ASUCD, Center for Student Involvement, Commencements-Broadcast, Community Resource & Retention Centers, COSAF Programming, Cross Cultural Center, Development Office, Finance & Human Resource Support, Graduate Student Association, Hate Free Campus Initiative, HR Child Care, Institutional Analysis, Intercollegiate Athletics, Internship & Career Center, Marketing & Communication, Middle East-North Africa-South Asia Student Resources, Mondavi Center, Office of Student Support & Judicial Affairs, Retention Centers, Student Fire Fighter Program, Student Health & Counseling Services, Student Information Systems, UC Davis Marching Band, Undocumented Student Resource Center, University Registrar, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Executive Office, Womens Retention and Resource Center

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) Fee