Orientation Meeting (9/29/20)
- Acronym List
- Bylaw Highlights and Understanding Key Components of Council Work
- Council Expectations and Participation
- Student Fees Reviewed by COSAF
- Funds Administered by COSAF
- COSAF Subcommittees
- External Committees
- UC Council on Student Fees
- Guide to Creating a Student Fee Initiative
- Summary of COSAF Budget Oversight
- Time Reporting and Pay
- Presentation: Student Affairs Overview, VC Pablo Reguerin
- Presentation: Campus Budget Overview, VC Kelly Ratliff
- Presentation: Intercollegiate Athletics Overview, Kevin Blue & Anissa Nachman
- Presentation: Campus Recreation Overview, Deb Johnson
FACE/LEEAP Fee (Campus Based Fee)
- FACE/LEEAP Orientation (10/9/20 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Sources & Uses Report, Budget & Institutional Analysis (10/9/20 meeting)
- Template: Campus Recreation (10/9/20 Meeting)
- Presentation: Campus Recreation (10/9/20 Meeting)
- Budget: Campus Recreation (10/9/20 Meeting)
- Campus Recreation Spring Impact Report (10/9/20 Meeting)
- Template: Intercollegiate Athletics (10/23/20 Meeting)
- Presentation: Intercollegiate Athletics (10/23/20 Meeting)
- Template: Student Recruitment & Retention Center (10/23/20 Meeting)
- Presentation: Student Recruitment & Retention Center (10/23/20 Meeting)
- FACE/LEEAP Fee Projection Report for 2021-22 (11/06/20 Meeting)
New Referedum: The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)
- Draft Ballot Language Presented to COSAF (11/06/20 Meeting)
- Budget & Institutional Analysis Presentation: SASI & PE (10/23/20 Meeting)
SASI Fee (Campus Based Fee)
- SASI Orientation (11/20/20 Meeting)
- SASI Sources & Uses Report 2020-21 (11/20/20 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Campus Recreation (11/20/20 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Cross Cultural Center (11/20/20 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Intercollegiate Athletics (12/4/20 Meeting)
- SASI Template: Women's Resources & Research Center (12/4/20 Meeting)
- SASI Presentation: Campus Recreation (11/20/20 Meeting)
- SASI Presentation: Cross Cultural Center (11/20/20 Meeting)
- SASI Presentation: Intercollegiate Athletics (12/4/20 Meeting)
- SASI Presentation: Women's Resources & Research Center (12/4/20 Meeting)
- SASI Fee Projections 2020-21 Report (12/4/20)
CEI Fee (Campus Based Fee)
- CEI Orientation (1/8/21 Meeting)
- CEI Sources & Uses Report-BIA (1/8/21 Meeting)
- Coffee House CEI Template (1/8/21)
- Coffee House CEI Presentation (1/8/21)
- Coffee House Equipment Replacement Plan (1/8/21 Meeting)
- Unitrans CEI Template (1/8/21 Meeting)
- Unitrans CEI Presentation (1/8/21 Meeting)
- Student Health & Wellness Center CEI Template (1/8/21 Meeting)
- Student Health & Wellness Center CEI Presentation (1/8/21 Meeting)
- Intercollegiate Athletics CEI Template (1/22/21 Meeting)
- Intercollegiate Athletics Presentation (1/22/21 Meeting)
- Student Community Center CEI Template (1/22/21 Meeting)
- Student Community Center Presentation (1/22/21 Meeting)
- Campus Recreation CEI Template (1/22/21 Meeting)
- Campus Recreation Presentation (1/22/21 Meeting)
- CEI CPI Projections 2021-22 Report-BIA (2/5/21 Meeting)
The Aggie Fee
- The Aggie Fee Orientation (2/19/21 Meeting)
- The Aggie Fee Template (2/19/21 Meeting)
- The Aggie Fee Presentation (2/19/21 Meeting)
- The Aggie Fee Sources & Uses Report - BIA (2/19/21 Meeting)
Student Programming Fund
- The 4 Allocation Priorities (2/19/21 Meeting)
- Summary of Applications Received for 2021-22 Funding (2/19/21 Meeting)
- INVOLVEMENT FAIR | Application | Presentation
- HACK DAVIS | Application | Presentation
- AGGIE HOUSE | Application | Presentation
- UNITY IN DIVERSITY | Application | Presentation
- THE APPLY-A-THON | Application | Presentation
- FALL WELCOME KICK-OFF EVENT | Application | Presentation
Graduate Student Association Fee (Campus Based Fee)
Student Services Fee
- Presentation: Academic Assistance & Tutoring Center (4/16/23 Meeting)
- Template: Academic Assistance & Tutoring Center
- Presentation: Office of Educational Opportunity & Enrichment Services (4/16/21 Meeting)
- Template: Office of Educational Opportunity & Enrichment Services
- Presentation: LGBTQIA Program (4/16/21 Meeting)
- Template: LGBTQIA Program
- Presentation: Operation & Maintenance of Plant (4/23/21 Meeting)
- Template: Operation & Maintenance of Plant
- Presentation: Student Disability Center (4/23/21 Meeting)
- Template: Student Disability Center
All Other Student Services Fee Templates:
ASUCD, Center for Student Involvement, Commencements-Broadcast, Community Resource & Retention Centers, COSAF Programming, Cross Cultural Center, Development Office, Finance & Human Resource Support, Graduate Student Association, Hate Free Campus Initiative, HR Child Care, Institutional Analysis, Intercollegiate Athletics, Internship & Career Center, Marketing & Communication, Middle East-North Africa-South Asia Student Resources, Mondavi Center, Office of Student Support & Judicial Affairs, Retention Centers, Student Fire Fighter Program, Student Health & Counseling Services, Student Information Systems, UC Davis Marching Band, Undocumented Student Resource Center, University Registrar, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Executive Office, Womens Retention and Resource Center
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) Fee
- TGIF Orientation (4/23/21 Meeting)
- TGIF Sources & Uses Report - BIA (4/23/21 Meeting)
- TGIF Template (4/23/21 Meeting)
- TGIF Presentation (4/23/21 Meeting)