The University of California Council on Student Fees (CSF) is made up of the student chairs from the Student Fee Councils on each of the 10 UC Campuses. The “Standing Policies” developed by the UC Council are non-binding in nature, and are not part of the official university-wide policies of the University of California Office of the President. All materials listed by the CSF are guidelines intended to aid fee councils in their activities on each campus. While the standing policies are generally adhered to, the student fee council on each campus advises the efficacy of each of the policies for their particular locations.
- CSF Bylaws (Approved as of June 3, 2018)
- CSF Charter (Approved as of January 26, 2018)
- CSF Resolution on Commencement Funding (October 8, 2017)
- CSF Standing Policy 1 — CSF policy on SFAC—Minimum Standards
- CSF Standing Policy 2 — CSF policy on the appropriate use of the University Student Services Fee
- CSF Standing Policy 3 — CSF policy on the minimum involvement of SFAC's in the budgeting, allocation and oversight of the Student Services Fee
- CSF Standing Policy 4 — CSF policy on Campus priorities in times of student service reductions planning
- CSF Standing Policy 5 — CSF policy on the results of budget cuts, and the restoration of funding
- Guidelines for Implementing the Student Services Fee Portion of The University of California Student Fee Policy (July 2010)
- Regents Policy 3101: The University of California Student Tuition and Fee Policy