Position Title
Graduate Student Association (GSA) Appointee
Year at UC Davis: 4th
Major: Ph.D. in GGE
Minor: ECS
Why I chose to serve on COSAF: It's my great pleasure to continue to serve as a GSA appointee in COSAF 2022-2023. UC Davis provides me with the best platform for the most advanced studies, research, and programs. Although I have not officially started my journey here, I already got lots of help from my new friends here, senior mentors, and professors. COSAF gives me a much bigger platform to learn about financial staff and help graduate students in a more systematic way. It's amazing to get a step closer to a university's financial system.
Extra-curricular hobbies/ interests/ activities: I’m a very outdoorsy person and really enjoy hiking, biking, swimming, and camping! Free diving and wakeboarding are my summer sports, while Skiing and snowboarding are my main winter sports. Welcome to ask me to go to the mountains during the weekend during the snow season!